Debug on iOS 12 device using XCode 9
The first question is why would you want to do it? The answer is simple, you have a really big app and you are making new enhancements to the app and it is not feasible for you to direct resources away from the inflight projects to work on XCode upgrade, which is challenging if you are using swift as Swift has real ABI compatility issues. If you are thinking that we can simply use XCode feature to upgrade swift then your app is still in smaller size limits and you probably are not using pre-compiled dynamic frameworks either. So, how can we Debug on iOS 12 device using XCode 9 Step 1: What you really need to deploy code from your XCode to device is Device Support disk image under your XCode and the disk images are present in the XCode app under: $ cd /Applications/ If you run listing on the above folder you will see something like: $ ls -ltr total 0 drwxrwxr-x 4 root wh...